
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Avocado Brownies. براونيز الأفوكادو

This is somehow a lighter version of the ordinary Brownies recipes yet it's delicious & moist!
My kids loved it too with a scoop of Vanilla Ice cream.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Easy Meatloaf. Amerikanischer hackbraten. ميت لوف , طاجن اللحم المفروم

Meat Loaf is one of the easy dishes I like because it's so easy & kids like it & you can create so many flavours & recipes out of it!
You can serve it with Rice, Pasta, or Vegetables & you can also add vegetables inside.
Today I made a basic & easy recipe , hope you'll like it!


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Carrot-Almond Cake. Möhren-Gugelhupf. كيك الجزر باللوز

This is a new version of Carrot Cake, It's some how guiltfree :) as it contains no Oil nor Butter, yet moist & delicious! Here's the recipe :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spaghetti-Turkey Nests. Spaghetti-Puten Nester. أعشاش المكرونة الاسباجتي مع الديك الرومي

This is a very nice & easy dish that is ideal for guests. It's very easy & you can come up with so many ideas out of this recipe according to what you have in the house, you can also make a vegetarian version without using Turkey & by adding more vegetables. Here's this easy recipe.

Ingredients: ( 6 servings)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chocolate Lollipops. Schoko-lollis. مصاصات الشكولاتة

My kids Loved those Lollies, I really recommend doing them for kids birthday parties!!!