
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stuffed Vine leaves. Gefüllte Weinblätter.

Stuffed Vine leaves is one of my favourite dishes. I don't usually do it a lot as I'm too slow in wrapping the leaves (unlike my Mom who taught me this recipe) , but it's a family favourite & we do it usually in Egypt for Guests as it's a very special & delicious dish.

Here's the recipe that I always use , some people add some cooked Minced meat to the filling, but I personally prefer it only with Rice & Herbs.


500 gm Vine leaves (Preserved in Glas )
2 Cups Rice (washed & drained)
1 finely Chopped medium sized Onion
3 Table spoons Oil or Butter
3 Table spoons Tomatoe paste
1 bundle of finely chopped Parsley
1 bundle of finely chopped Dill
Salt & Pepper
2 1/2 cups of Chicken Stock
juice from 1 Lemon


Wash the Vine leaves in Hot Water & drain them, then cut the stem part out of each leave.
Mix The filling ingredients (Rice, Onion, Oil, Tomatoe paste, Herbs, Salt & Pepper ).
Start filling some of the filling mixture (nearly 1/2 Tea spoon) in each leave on the rough side of the leave & roll it (as in pictures) & put it in a wide Pot.
Add the Chicken Stock & Lemon juice to the rolled Leaves & better cover the top of the stuffed leaves with a small dish fitting inside the Pot so as to keep Rice inside the leaves.
Put on high heat till it reachs the boiling point, then reduce heat & leave it for nearly 20 minutes to continue cooking.

Serve with Yogurt-Cucumber Salad, recipe here:

Or Tahini Sauce :

Add the filling ingredients to the rough side of the Leave.
Füllung auf die raue seite geben.

Roll the Leave.


Gefüllte Weinblätter


400 g Weinblätter (Im Glas)
2 Tassen Reis
1 mittlere große Zwiebel (fein gehackt)
3 EL Öl
1 Bund Petersilie (Fein gehackt)
1 Bund Dill (Fein gehackt)
3 EL Tomatenmark
Salz & Pfeffer
2 1/2 Tassen Hühnerbrühe
Saft von 1 Zitrone


Die Blätter gut abspüllen & abtropfen lassen.
Die Füllung Zutaten (Reis, Zwiebel, Öl, Petersilie, Dill, Tomatenmark ,Salz & Pfeffer ) gut mischen.
Die Weinblätter mit der glänzenden Seit nach unten auf die Arbeitsfläche legen & ca. 1/2- 1 TL Füllung darauf geben & aufrollen ( Fotos)
Die gefüllte Weinblätter in einem Topf legen.
Die Heisse Brühe & Zitronen saft zufügen & bei schwacher hitze ca. 30-40 minuten .

Mit Joghurtsoße oder Gurken-Joghurt Salad servieren. Rezept hier:

Oder Tahini Soße :

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