
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pumpkin Soup . Kürbissuppe. شوربة القرع العسلي

Pumpkin Soup is one of my kids' favorite Soups , The kids loved it from Kinder garden , as it was a regular visitor for lunch in Autumn months , they used to ask me to do it at home , but cutting a pumpkin at home was a disaster for me :) so I used to buy those pre-made Soup powders & do it for them & they always say it's good ( but not that good that I hear when I do any other type of home made soup from scratch at home).
I found those beautiful previously cut in cubes Hokkaido (Red Squash ) in Market , so I said to myself , now it's time to make my kids happy ! I made it & it was really good , the kids loved it & I heard that "This soup is really good" with their childish enthusiasm that I was waiting for :) It tastes fruity ,creamy , fresh & has a nice sweet taste , I can't really describe it that good ,but you have to try it as it's very very easy ,like most of the Soups !

Ingredients :

400-500 gm Red Squash ( nearly 2 middle sized Hokkaidos )
1 middle sized Onion
1 middle sized Carrot (peeled & cut in cubes)
1 middle sized Potato ( Peeled & cut in cubes)
1 Tablespoon Oil
3-4 cups Vegetable or Chicken Stock (you can use the vegetable cubes )
3-4 Table spoons cream
Salt & pepper
for decoration (optional ) cream or Pumpkin seeds

Hokkaido cut in cubes
Gewürfelte Hokkaido 


Cut the Onion is small cubes & add Oil in a Pot & on medium-high heat , stirr for 3-4 minutes .
Add the Squash cubes , the Potato, Carrot & Stock & leave on medium heat for 20 minutes till all vegetables are soft , Add the cream, then puree with a hand mixer & add Salt & Pepper according to taste.
You can some cream or Pumpkin seeds on top to decorate .

See how simple it is!

Enjoy your meal !
Guten Appetit !

Kürbissuppe (Hokkaidosuppe )


400-500 g gewürfelte Hokkaido
1 Zwiebel
1 Karotte
1 Kartoffeln
1 EL Öl
3-4 Tassen Gemüse oder Hähnchen Brühe 
3-4 EL Sahne
Salz & Pfeffer nach geschmack


Zwiebel im Öl dünsten ,Kartoffel & Karotte zugeben & mit Brühe angießen & ca. 20 minuten köcheln lassen.
Die Sahne geben & mit dem Scneidstab pürieren & mit Salz & Pfeffer abschmecken.
Garnieren mit Kürbiskerne oder Sahne.

شوربة القرع العسلي 

المكونات :
٤٠٠ -٥٠٠ جم قرع عسلي مقطع مكعبات ( حوالي ٢ قرع أحمر صغير مغسول جيدا و مفرغ من النصف )
بصلة متوسطه مقطعه مكعبات 
جزرة متوسطه مكشره و مقطعه مكعبات 
بطاطس متوسطه م
قطعه مكعبات 
٣-٤ أكواب شوربه ( جاهزة أو مكعبات )
ملعقه كبيره زيت
٣-٤ ملاعق كبيره كريمه 
ملح و فلفل

الطريقه :

يشوح البصل في الزيت حتى يصفر ، نضيف القرع والبطاطس والجزر و الشوربه و نتركها على نار وسط حوالي ٢٠ دقيقة حتى السواء ( مع التقليب كل خمس دقائق )
نزود الكريمه و نضرب الخليط بخلات اليد حتى يصبح مزيج متجانس و نضيف الملح والفلفل حسب الرغبه .
من الممكن التزيين بالكريمه على وجه الشوربه أو ببذور اليقطين ( القرع ) 

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