
Friday, November 9, 2012

Oven Backed wedged Potatoes. Gebackene Kartoffeln. بطاطس مخبوزة بالفرن

Oven backed Potatoes is one of my favourite side dishes, It's easy & fast & tastes always perfect! I guess there are no chances for failure!

Olive Oil (or vegetable Oil)
any spices you want (I used Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Thyme, Rosmary & Paprika )

Wash the Potatoes & cut them into wedged or chuncks.
Coat them with Oil & the Spices you prefer.
Put in an oven tray & enter the oven (220°C) for nearly 30 minutes.

بطاطس مخبوزة بالفرن 
المكونات : بطاطس مغسولة ومقطعة قطاع كبيرة /2 ملعقة  زيت زيتون (أو زيت عباد الشمس) / البهارات المحببة لكي  (أنا استخدمت 
ملح، فلفل، زعتر، روزماري، ثوم مطحون وبابريكا )

الطريقة : اخلطي البطاطس مع المكونات ثم ضعيها على صينية الفرن وادخليها الفرن على حرارة 220 حوالي 30 دقيقة

Gebackene Kartoffeln

2 EL Olive Öl
Gewürze (Salz, Pfeffer, Thymian, Paprika, Konoblauch)


Kartoffeln washen & in große stücke schneiden.
Mit Öl & gewürze mischen & auf ein Backblech legen & im back ofen bei 220°C ca. 30 minuten backen.


  1. ich liebe solche Kartoffeln und mache die sehr oft, mit verschiedenen Gewürzen, statt Pommes

  2. I notice you have been using the TItle The Cooking Doctor, which is my blog and domain name. I have beeen using this name for over 2 yrs, I appreciate if you could change your blog name. I assume you did not do this intentionally. Pls provide your email, as I'd rather email you than commenting publicly. I appreciate you to change your blog name ASAP.

    1. Dear Jehanne, Thanks for your message. Of course I didn't notice your blog name . I chose this name because It's my (& my friend Noha's) Group name on facebook since FOUR (4) years, we are both doctors who love cooking, this is how we came up with the name.
      I searched now for the tilte the cooking doctor & I found many other blogs with the same name. It's obvious that blog names are not unique , otherwise Google should've rejected the name from the begining. I mean it's not an email to be unique! anyway my personal email is if you would like to contact me personally.

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