
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Pasta with Avocado. Sommer Pasta mit Avocado. مكرونة مع الخضروات و الأفوكادو

This is a very easy Pasta, ideal for Summer & for Vegetarians . It's done in 20 minutes & you can use your favourite veggies , you can eat it warm or even cool , in both cases it's tasty & amazing!

Ingredients: (for 4 persons)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fried Salmon steak. ستيك سمك السلمون المقلي

 Salmon is my favourite Fish ! I love its taste & it's a regular weekly dish in our house! It's also done in 10 minutes & that's what makes me love it even more! I'm sure many of you know this super-easy recipe , but, I just like to share my recipe, maybe some people don't yet know it!

Ingredients (for 2 people) :