
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tahini Sauce . Tahini Soße.

Tahini Sauce is a very popular Egyptian (or Oriental ) Sauce, we actually call it in Egypt Tahini "Salad" not "sauce" , it's very easy , done in very few minutes & it's an amazing side dish with all grilled dishes . We also eat it with bread for breakfast or lunch beside other dishes , it's delicious & you can add the spices you want to it & you can control its thickness , by adding more or less water. I personally prefer it a bit liquidy , but some people prefer it thick, Some people add "Hummus" or Yogurt to it. but this is the basic recipe & you create your own recipe out of this basic recipe.

Ingredients : (makes nearly 1 cup)

3/4 Cup Tahini (Sesame seed paste)
1/2 Cup Water
Juice from 1/2 Lemon
2 Teaspoons Vinegar
2 Garlic cloves
Salt & Cumin powder
1-2 Tablespoons freshly chopped Parsley


Add all ingredients in food processor till all ingredeints are combined & till you get a smooth Sauce.

*Salt & Cumin amount are according to your own taste.
*You can add more Tahini to make a thicker Sauce.

Tahini Soße

Zutaten: (1 Tasse)

3/4 Becher Tahini ( Sesampaste , vom Turkishe oder Marokkanische Laden )
1/2 Becher Wasser
Saft von 1/2 Zitrone
2 TL Essig
2 Knoblauchzehe
Salz & Kreuzkümmel
1-2 EL Frische gehackte Petersilie


Alle Zutaten in einem Zerkleinerer glatt rühren & es ist fertig!
*Für Dickere Soße , mehr Sesampaste addieren.

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