
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Quiche Tutorial (Vegetarian recipe). Vegetarische Quiche.

Quiche is one of my favourite quick meals, it can be a nice dinner or brunch or lunch! so easy to prepare & so many creations you can come up with, according to your taste! You only have to follow the basic dough recipe & the basic filling recipe ,then you can do it your favourite way using meat, chicken, fish ,or even do it  vegetarian like this recipe here.


Dough: (for a 26 cm Tart pan)

1 & 1/2 cup flour (nearly 250 gm)
1 egg
A pinch of Salt
125 gm cold butter cut in cubes
2 Tablespoons cold water


The basic 3 filling ingredients are:
*4 Eggs
*200 ml whipping cream
*200 gm grated Gouda cheese (or 100 gm Gouda & 100 Mozzarella)

To those ingredients I also add :
*Broccoli (cooked 5 minutes in salted water) (nearly 4 Tablespoons)
*Black Olives (nearly 3 Table spoons)
*Green,Yellow,Red Pepper cut in cubes (nearly 3 Tablespoons)
*Mushroom (3 Tablespoons)
*sweet corn (3 Tablespoons)
*Salt & Pepper


Mix dough ingredients & roll it out on a floured surface then put it in the tart pan.
Blindly bake the dough by adding parchment paper over the dough & adding beans over the paper ( as shown in the picture below) in a preheated oven (200°C) for 5-7 minutes. Then remove the beans & continue backing for another 7-8 minutes.
Take out from the oven & add the filling ingredients after mixing them in a bowl & enter the oven for around 15 minutes till brown on top.

Für den Teig:
250 g Mehl
125 g Butter
1 Ei
2 EL kaltes Wasser

Für den Belag:
4 Eier
200 ml Sahne
200 g geriebener Gouda
4 EL gekochter Brokkoli
3 EL schwarze Oliven
3 EL Pilze
3 EL Mais
3 EL Paprika, gewürfelt

Roll out dough in the Tart pan & remove the edges by pressing them with the rolling pin. (Don't throw the removed edges, keep them in the freezer or make a mini tart or mini Quiche with them by using the cupcake form)

*Alle Teigzutaten zu einem Teig verkneten und auf einer bemehlten Arbeitsfläche dünn ausrollen. Eine 26 cm Tarteform damit auslegen.

Make holes with your fork to keep your dough flat & to prevent it from  rising up.

*Mehrmals mit einer Gabel einstechen, damit der Teig beim Backen keine Luftblasen bekommt.

Cover the dough with parchment paper & heavy beans for blind baking. (Don't throw away the beans ,keep them  in a jar for next time) Enter oven for 7 minutes.

*Die Form mit getrockneten Erbsen füllen und 7 Minuten im vorgeheizten Backofen blind backen.

After 7 minutes remove the parchment paper & beans & RE-enter the oven for 7 more minutes. This how the dough appears after backing for nearly 15 minutes in the oven , It will shrink a little bit ,don't worry about that .
Add filling ingredients over the half baked dough & enter the oven for 15-20 minutes.

*Alle Zutaten für den Belag vermischen und auf dem vorgebackenen Teig verteilen.
This is how Quiche looks like after it's done!


Let it cool for around 15 minutes before cutting it into slices.

*15 minuten Kühlen lassen,dann schneiden.


  1. UNBELEIVABLEEEEEEE....... I love it soooo much...great Job :)


  3. أخيييييرا أكل حلو وسهل للنباتيين ! :) تسلم إيدك

  4. gameeel el tutorial, 3arfa? wanna try this isA on Saturday. was lookin g for new dinner ideas.

  5. Vegetarian pies are my favorite! This one looks delicious!

  6. يجنن ياعلا ماشاء الله تسلم ايدك ..مي ابو الغيط
