
Bechamel Sauce. Bechamelsoße. صوص البشاميل

This is the basic Bechamel Sauce that I always use when doing Bechamel. you can add other ingrediens or flavours, but I simple like it that easy way.

Ingredients: (4 cups bechamel)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Roasted Duck. Gerostete Ente. البط المشوي في الفرن

In Egypt ,when we invite guests to our house ,the first option -as a poultry dish- is a Duck! I do it in a relatively easy way, with Orange & Lemon, roasted in the Oven. Hope you try it & give me your feedback , I'm sure you all are gonna love it!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chocolate mousse. Schokoladenmousse. مووس الشكولاتة

I love everything with Chocolate & I guess my kids too inherited this from me :) I wanted to do something chocolaty & had no time for cakes or cookies , so I made this amazing super-easy Chocolate mousse that I did long ago but failed as it turned out grainy :(  Now with more kitchen experience, I did it & it was too good , too fast, too easy!! here's this 2 ingredients  delicious recipe:

Ingredients:  (serves 4)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Popcorn-Chocolate Bars. Popcorn-Schokostangen. رقائق الفشار بالشكولاتة

My kids & I love both Popcorn & Chocolate, so I thought of combining them together & to see what will I get! I got an incredible taste & my kids asked me to make them some for their friends to taste! I thinks those bars are really nice for kids parties or birthdays, they r made only of 2 ingredients.


Lasagne Bolognese.Lasagne Bolognese Rezept. اللازانيا خطوة بخطوة

This is a demonstration of my personal favourite Lasagne Bolognese recipe, Some people find it hard to do Lasagne but I find it as one of the easiest dishes that I like a lot , here it is ,step by step.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Oven Backed wedged Potatoes. Gebackene Kartoffeln. بطاطس مخبوزة بالفرن

Oven backed Potatoes is one of my favourite side dishes, It's easy & fast & tastes always perfect! I guess there are no chances for failure!

Classic fried Chicken.Klassisches gebratenes Hähnchen. الطريقة الكلاسيكية للفراخ المحمرة

Who doesn't love Classic fried Chicken?? I've never met anyone who doesn't! It's a personal favourite for old & young! I was searching in lovely Sarah Carey's videos & her Wonerfull easy recipes & at last I found the ultimate crispy, juicy & deliciuos fried Chicken recipe. I made some Chcanges to Sarah Carey's recipe as I didn't have Buttermilk at home so I marinaded it yogurt instead.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Vanilla Panna Cotta

Here's a nice Italian dessert called Panna Cotta made by simmering together Milk,Cream & Sugar with Gelatin. It's served with Berries,Caramel or even Chocolate Sauce. I here made it with Raspberry Sauce & fresh Raspberries. This is a delicious recipe from Chef Chahira.

Ingredients: (for 3)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Zucchini Chocolate Cupcakes. Zucchini Shoko-Muffins. كب كيك الشكولاتة بالكوسة

I've always heard of Zucchini Cupcakes & Zucchini bread from my friend Noha, I never thought of trying them, I thought incorporating Zucchini in cakes will give it a strange taste, till I  tried those amazingly moist cupcakes. They were really fluffy & moist from inside & my kids loved them & I was happy about the idea of my kids eating Zucchini :)

Ingredients: (for 12)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Vegetarian Burger. Vegetarischer Burger. برجر نباتي بالخضروات

Me & my family eat at least twice a week a vegetarian meal for lunch. This week's choice was veggie Burger. I loved the recipe & what's good about it is that you can use any type of Vegetables available in your house & thus having a different taste every time you do it.

Ingredients: (10 Burgers)