Thursday, February 14, 2013

Minestrone Soup. Minestrone Suppe. شوربة المنسترون

Minestrone Soup is an Italian thick soup made of green & kidney beans, Carrots, Tomatoes & Pasta. It's delicious & considered as a whole meal . I made it for lunch & we enjoyed it with the Italian Ciabatta bread & it was a delicious meal that my kids also loved! (lucky me :) )

Ingredients: (4-6 persons)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Apple Cake. Apfelkuchen. كيك التفاح

This is one of my favourite Apple Cake recipes, It's inspired from Dr. Oetker book "Backen macht freude",  with some minor modifications. I've tried a lot of apple cake recipes, but this one is really good & is the one I do a lot :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Cake Pops. الكيك بوبس - مصاصات الكيك

Cake Pops were my kids's dream since they saw a Cake pop picture for a friend who did it for her daughter's birthday party! I've been searching for recipes and I found them all containg cream cheese that I don't like a lot in Cakes! Then I found a recipe with Vanilla Cake & condensed milk! so I knew the whole idea is about bringing the already made Cake into a soft dough to make small balls & stick them to a stick & cover with icing, so I had some cupcake leftovers & some chocolate frosting so I mixed them together & came up with a very chocolaty Cake pops! I also didn't have the special Cake pops sticks, so I used the wooden skewers that we use in grilling, here we go with this simple and delicious recipe!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Crispy Cheese Crackers. Käsecrackern. مقرمشات الجبنة

I've seen those Crackers a couple of days ago in a German Blog served with soup and I loved them, they are super-easy and can be served with Soups, Salads, or as I made them with any dip of your choice, I served them with yogurt Dip.

Recipe inspired from Manu's Küchengeflüster


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The German Cheesecake. Quark Käsekuchen. التشيز كيك الألماني

The German Cheesecake is made of Quark (pronounced "kvark") rather then the normal cream cheese, It tastes delicious but different then the normal Cheesecake, It's also made with a pastry crust not a biscuit layer, It's delicious & I hope you can all try it.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

German Potato dumplings. Kartoffelklöße. كرات البطاطس الألمانية

 German Potato dumplings is a delicious side dish served with saucy meat or chicken ,it's made plain or stuffed with meat or croutons.
Here I made the basic easy recipe and you can try it stuffed or plain.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Spinach-Feta Muffins. Spinat-Feta Muffins. مافنز السبانخ والجبنة الفيتا

 I've made those savory muffins before with Sausages , Today I decided to try the same recipe with Spinach and Feta cheese ,they were unbelievably delicious!! Frosting them with herbal cream cheese was also an amazing idea, they looked really elegant & tempting! I really recommend those muffins for breakfast of brunch ! They are just the perfect choice & my kids loved them too!

Ingredients: (12)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fried Fish .Gebratener Fisch. السمك المقلي

Fried Tilapia is one of my favourite sea food dishes, here's a nice & delicious recipe that I & my family loved.


750 gm Tilapia Fish
Lemon,Garlic, Salt & Cumin for marinading fish (or simply use your favourite marinade recipe)
1/2 cup flour
For the coating layer:
1 cup flour
1 Teaspoon Baking powder
1/2 cup corn starch
1 egg
1 cup sparkling water
Oil for deep frying


Mix Tilapia with the marinade ingredients (Lemon,  chopped Gralic,Slat & Cumin) and leave it for an hour.
Coat the Tilapia with a thin layer of flour and remove the excess.
Mix the coating layer ingredients very well and coat the flour-coated fish with it & fry in a medium heat Oil (180-190°C) till golden on each side.
Serve with Remoulade Sauce:

Gebratener Fisch


750 g Tilapia Fisch
Zitrone, Knoblauch, Salz und Kümmel zum Fisch Marinieren (oder einfach Ihre Lieblings-Marinade Rezept)
1/2 Tasse Mehl
Für den Backteig (Belag)

1 Tasse Mehl
1TL Backpulver
1/2 Tassestärke
1 Ei
1 Tasse Mineralwasser mit Kohlensäure
Öl zum Frittieren


Fisch Marinieren (mit Zitrone,gehackte Knoblauch, Salz & Kümmel) und ca. 1 stunde lassen.
Mit Mehl Bestäuben.
Den Backteig glattrühren & Fisch im backteig tunken und im Öl (auf 180°C grad) frittieren bis goldenbraun ist.

Mit Remouladensoße servieren:

السمك المقلي 

هذه طريقة جديدة ولذيذة للسمك المقلي اتمنى أن تعجبكم

المكونات : 750 جم سمك بلطي / التتبيلة المفضلة لديكي (أنا استخدمت ثوم وكمون وملح والليمون ) / ١/٢ كوب دقيق 
مكونات عجينة القلي : ١ كوب دقيق / ١ ملعقة صغيرة بيكنغ بودر / ١/٢ كوب نشا / ١ كوب مياه معدنية بالغاز / ١ بيضة / ملح + زيت للقلي 

الطريقة : يتبل السمك بطريقتك المفضلة وينقع في التتبيلة حوالي ساعة  ثم يغطى بتبقى خفيفة من الدقيق ونزيل الدقيق الزائد 
تخلط جميع مكونات عجينة القلي ثم تغطى بها السمكة وتقلي في زيت غزير متوسط الحرارة (١٨٠ درجة ) حوالي ٥ دقائق على كل جانب 
تقدم مع البطاطس المحمرة و صوص الرمولاد الرائع ، الوصفة هنا 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Remoulade Sauce. Remouladensoße. صوص الريمولاد

Remoulade Sauce is a creamy white mayonnaise based Sauce, used mainly with Fish & sea food dishes. It is typically rough in consistency & it can be made with different flavours & colors. Here's my easy & delicious favourite recipe.
